Difficult to have some patience when you are waiting for the signal to go green !
Difficult to be silent when somebody is trying to trigger a fight out of some stupid topic !
Difficult to stand in line when waiting for your turn to buy food or groceries in a long line !
Difficult not to get irritated when the line @ the ticket counters or in a bank still looks so long !
Difficult to try n understand parents when they expect something in return when they get old !
Difficult to give time to your loved ones when they want is - just some love, affection, and care !
Difficult to work long hours in office when you are asked to stay n meet the deadlines !
Difficult to say NO to somebody who actually is trying to impose unnecessary work on u !
Difficult to listen to a friend when he/she wants to share their thoughts and feelings with you !
Difficult to not show off in front of a person who is less educated than you !
Difficult to say Yes I love you when you really love the person standing right in front of you :p

Difficult to not talk when you are not in a good mood/ angry so you can avoid being rude !
Difficult to say No when somebody is in love with you but you don’t feel the same !
Difficult to control your hands from honking when there is a traffic jam !

Difficult to hold on to your values when in pressure and tensions !

Well, these are some small small things we notice and come across in our daily lives.
I was just wondering - is it really So Difficult to Be and Behave Normal ??

Be Good, Behave Normal, Don’t act crazy when you have a decent crowd around, who would have put equal amount of patience or may be more time than you to stand there waiting for their turns !!

Definitely a thing to think and actAre we causing problems to others, Are others getting hurt with our actions, Are we being a pain in their neck ?

!!@!! A mature and normal thinking Makes the Difference guys :) !!@!!


Life is so simple, dont make it complicated and then dont try again to solve those difficulties :)

Be simple, think simple and live simple

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